When will it end?

Uri C

I am an israeli web developer from Israel. I would like to show you this magnificent country through my eyes.

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2 Responses

  1. Faustina says:

    First you have to hope that people from Lebanon go back watching TV with their favoured shows on; go back lying in their bed without thinking of their friends who are dyeing in Lebanon right now.
    The problem is that the world is helping you to continuous this war witch is keeling innocent people to disarm the Hezbollah.
    A portuguese channe was in a local attacced today and is showing us children died !


  2. Uri says:

    let’s make a few things clear:
    1.the hezbollah are shooting at us for so much time killing our civilians without having to hear one word of condemnation from other countries.
    2. our civilians are getting killed too. our civilians are hiding in shelters too. the only reason less of us are getting killed is because we give a damn about our civilians lives – unlike hezbollah
    3. we inform the places we are bombing before we bomb them. the only reason they’re still children there is if their stupid or if the hezbollah keeps them there by force (for a reason…)
    4. the hezbollah is hiding among civilians. it uses them as human shields. are we suppose to put up with our civilians being killed in order not to hurt civilians who let terror live among them? aren’t we entitles of the same right of living in peace?
    5. and yet, our soldiers are getting killed in bint jabil too many times while we could have bombed the place down. the only reason we are not doing it is because there might be civilians there.
    6. the numbers of civilians being killed on the other side is exaggerated again and again. first there was qana which was reported to have 58 dead, but the red cross only found 28. not to mention that most of them seemed to have died along time ago. then there was another vilage which claimed to have 60 dead and later on changed it to 1.
    7. it’s still sad, but one of the unavoidable results of war is civilian casualties. there are deathes on our side as well as on the lebanese side. as Ehud Olmert said, the war in kosobo had many more civilian casualties and no missile was fired on the british before it happend.
    i wish we could end this war without casualties but unfortunately it’s not practical.

    as for the media reports from the area, i recommend you to read this post (espacially the pallywood link) – http://www.glove.co.il/israelieye/?p=17
    you’ll find out how the pallestinians and the hezbollah are acting again and again for the cameras.
    you can read this blog too – http://eureferendum.blogspot.com/
    it’s filled with detailed information on the hezbollah missleading the press.

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